We are in serious count down mode in our house. Everyday, Belle asks me, "Mama, how many more days till school starts?" i just can't believe that we are less than two weeks away already. i know that she is secretly dying to wear her new school clothes and spiffy silver ballet flats that we got her. she has asked several times if she can wear them, and gets a "not yet" each time. I couldn't believe the style flashback that we had when we went shopping. the shapeless, long shirt style is back. high school revisited. luckily, the tight fitting, short skirt phase was washed away with our torrential rains, and we are covering up our youth quite nicely again. Bella has already chosen her first day of school outfit, and actually tried to lay it out on her bed for the first day. I had to explain to her that we could hang it together but that that the first day was still three weeks away at the time. Tori also got some way cute outfits for school. I love the brown and pink dress. and her tennis shoes are perfect for school since that is all they can wear. functional but stylish.

speaking of countdown mode, we are also counting down to the High School Musical 2 premiere on Friday. I swear this whole phenomenon reminds me of how crazy we were for GREASE when we were young. musicals are making a comeback. I am really wanting to go see Hairspray once the girls are back in school. That is definitely a movie i have to see without Alex. no musicals for him.

okay i am off. i have a little one who says i am taking "for longer" (tori talk for too long) to get her some "chita" milk.

Oh before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALE!!!!! We love you and are so glad you are our cousin/niece. Enjoy your day.

have a good day.
1 Response
  1. Celeste Says:

    OH MY GOSH!! You are so funny with your Old Navy fashion show! You should just count your blessings that you are not already in school in this horrible, horrible heat. Sitting in a classroom with 23 little (or not so little) bodies is not my idea of the best time. Even the AC doesn't seem like it does a whole heck of a lot.... Good thing I have a GREAT class this year!