So I finally finished my version of the wall squares I've been seeing on all the different blogs I stalk. I first saw them here and thought that would be the perfect thing for one of the random walls in Alex's office. The best part about it was it was really inexpensive. What do you think?

I had read that a lot of people had used styrofoam or core board to do this, but some said it came out bumpy. So I decided to use some left over MDF that Alex had in the garage. I asked him to cut out some 12x12 squares for me, then I just used Modge Podge to adhere the paper. I liked the way it looked but it still needed some aging, so I used my handy cat's eye chalk ink pad (i love that thing), and some left over furniture tacks that I had, and voila... instant art.

The verdict is still out about the piece hanging next to these squares. I'm not sure it goes there, or if I should try something different there. Any suggestions?

So we have four days left until school officially starts. Everywhere I go you see mothers with frustrated looks on their faces. There are people everywhere trying to get their kids ready for school... clothes, school supplies, etc. The kids are excited and hyper and... well you know the rest. So I am standing in line at HobLob yesterday, and my girls were on my last nerve. Seriously I was considering strapping them both into the seats of the cart and just pushing around two carts, but then they would have thought that was hilarious. So I'm standing in the check out, and the woman in front of me is having a really hard time with her kids. I'm talking, she needed a good 4 hour, bottle of wine (not glass mind you), Calgon take me away bath. So I'm standing there totally feeling for the woman, and she turns and says, "How many more days till school starts?" Girlfriend I feel for you.

Okay, I'm off to fold laundry and get my girls in bed. I've been trying all week to get them to bed at 7:30...yeah, not being so successful with that. I'm so not looking forward to the getting up reeeeaaaalll early part of school starting.

Have a good night.
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23 Responses
  1. Carry Grace Says:

    Your squares look great! I'm going to do them over our bed, but I'm having a hard time sticking to my paper selections.

    The furniture tacks were a great idea! I love seeing how everyone puts there own spin on the same project.

  2. Marie Says:

    Your wall squares look great! I bought some of that foam core board but have yet to use it. I'm a slacker. I like how you used those furniture tacks! Great idea.

  3. Chris Says:

    Oh wow! These look so cool! I love the wall you used for them--perfect size! Good job!

  4. AJ Says:

    I love how those turned out! Great idea adding the furniture tacks and I love the piece that is hanging next to them. I think it fits perfectly. Oh, and good luck getting your kids to bed by 7:30! Let me know if you get it figured out:)

  5. Oh I just love this idea. Great job! Love the color of the paper.

    I noticed you have the Twilight countdown. Are you a fan, big fan or super big fan?

    Brandee :-)

  6. cherry Says:

    Oh my those are gorgeous! I love the colors you chose. I was a little disappointed in the book...I wanted more explaination as to why Bella had these powers. But you are right it had a happy ending. cherry

  7. Unknown Says:

    how was your day?
    i liked your blog
    you are fantastic!!!

    really nice blog
    fabulous fantastic
    take care
    see you

  8. Scrapper Mom Says:

    Those look great. and I love the piece next to it.

  9. Celeste Says:

    oh yeah... crazy kids getting on moms' nerves!! what do you think happens when they come to school?? they become crazy kids that get on the teacher's nerves!! LOL!! i'm already at my wits end with one or 5 kids!! ugh...

  10. Shannon Says:

    I think your art project turned out great! I love those papers and the added touch with the tacks. I like the iron piece next to it but thats just me.

  11. I really love the 12x12 squares you did! I've seen them on a few blogs and liked the look, but can't think of a place to put them in my house...but I will keep thinking! Good luck getting your kids off to school...mine is too young, but I know what you mean about all the harassed-looking moms out there!

  12. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I saw these wall squares on a blog months ago and have been wanting to make them since. Of course, I couldn't remember for the life of me where I saw them or how to make them. I was just in a craft store the other day and thought about trying to make them. So thanks SO much for this post!!! I will be sure to bookmark it this time!

    I like that piece hanging next the the squares!

    Thanks again!

  13. Oliver's Says:

    I love your squares and the tacks were genius (I have a hard time thinking out of the box). I think the metal decor on the other wall looks great with the squares. Have a great day, Paula

  14. Anonymous Says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea. Your squares look amazing. Good job!

  15. nikkicrumpet Says:

    Love the squares...makes such a great look and I love the addition of the tacks. Sheesh can you imagine what those babies would have cost from Ballards or Pottery barn. And yours look just as good if not better!!!!!!!!!

  16. Desiree Says:

    Wow! The squares look great and I have a perfect spot in my bedroom makeover to put them. I am going to try to make them on my own (using styrofoam b/c mdf is more costly) however, I am worried about the paper not holding up in time. Did you cover the paper with poly-urethane or anything like that? Just wondering! Fabulous job...

  17. Blogger Says:

    I love how your squares came out, love the upholstery thingees, too, that's a nice touch.

    I hate Daylight Savings if I need my kids to be up til 10 in the summer? It is so hard getting them to go to bed earlier, now that school will be starting soon. (Not soon enough though, haha)

    I don't know how you moms with more than one little one do it. I had my boys 9 years apart, not planned that way, just happened that way...but in a way it was a blessing. When I took my then 10 year old to dr. to get his tetanus shot, he started crying and my littlest one started crying then, was the ONLY time they have ever cried at the same time and I was sooo my hat is off to you moms with all of the little ones, it must be so hard!!!


  18. Joy Says:

    I really like your take on the squares. The addition of the tacks looks great! Maybe what you don't like about the other piece is the high contrast of color. You might think about painting it a lighter color. Or you might even just try hanging it horizontally so that it repeats the design of the squares.

    I liked your compilation of fall ideas. I'm just not quite ready to get my fall decor out yet because I leave it up until Thanksgiving.

    Have a great weekend!

  19. Great job! I love it!!!!!

  20. Michelle Says:

    These look great...I enjoyed reading your blog...thanks for stopping by mine...I love finding all of you crafty inspiring...think I'll try these

  21. Hi Deb,

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!

    Brandee :-)

  22. I think those squares look amazing! Jen R

  23. You left a comment tonight on my daughters blog about her tart apple chest & I wanted to pop over and see some of your work. I love the squares you did for your husbands office. And how simple! You have so much talent! I love the creative women in blogland!